Google I/O 2023 - advancements in CSS developments

As this year ends, I'd like to look back on the groundbreaking advancements in the field of CSS. Lots of new trends and technologies changed how we make and use websites in 2023. The Google I/O 2023 event showcased several advancements in CSS development, introducing new techniques and tools to enhance web design and user experience.

Among the top 20 CSS and UI features highlighted at Google I/O 2023, a few stood out for their potential to transform web UI. These include: Container queries; Style queries; CSS nesting support; Scroll-driven animations.

These improvements have started a great time for web design. They give us new tools and customization features to make websites better than ever before.
I'll continually embrace these changes and consistently pursue innovation, accessibility, and responsiveness in my web development practices.


Check out this post from google to get to know more details:

Developer Chrome CSS wrapped 2023

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